IdeaConnection Innovation

Posts in Open Innovation

3 Open Innovation Initiatives to Get Stuck Into

3 Open Innovation Initiatives to Get Stuck Into

Sep-01-14 By IdeaConnection
If you’re looking for a fresh workout for your brain, three recently launched open innovation contests and product searches may be just what you’re looking for.  They offer some pretty sweet financial incentives for the winners and are in the healthcare and motor industries.
Why Open Innovation Portals fail, and best practices for Success

Why Open Innovation Portals fail, and best practices for Success

Apr-22-14 By Paul Wagorn
The failure rate is high but the fixes are simple and intuitive. In this two-part article series Paul Wagorn, President of IdeaConnection draws on his extensive experience of open innovation to discuss the problems with OI portals and how they can be remedied.
Connecting to a world of knowledge has never been easier. The ability of the Internet to harness expertise from all parts of the planet in a wide range of fields is allowing companies to augment their talent base with the knowledge, skills, experiences and points of views of others.
Burn the Ships

Burn the Ships

Apr-11-14 By Paul Wagorn
Open Innovation, loosely defined as seeking solutions outside your company, can help a company dramatically increase its technology and product pipeline, but it is not without its challenges.  In this article, we explore a major obstacle that can impede the success of an open innovation based project, and how to remedy it.
I have seen and been involved with hundreds of open innovation projects.  Many of these projects succeed, and help the company push through major obstacles to be able to release a disruptive new product or technology.  But some fail – and one of the biggest reasons for failure is a lack of full commitment from the stakeholders in the project.
Have Your Say in Global Crowdsourcing Survey

Have Your Say in Global Crowdsourcing Survey

Jan-28-14 By IdeaConnection
What are your views on crowdsourcing? Do you believe it can deliver better innovations at faster speeds and more cost effectively? Does your company make use of crowdsourcing initiatives and planning more or scaling back?

Now is your chance to have your say in the 1st annual Global Crowdsourcing Survey.
Open Innovation, Teams and Tea Parties

Open Innovation, Teams and Tea Parties

Jan-15-14 By Paul Wagorn
I have two wonderful daughters. The oldest is 7 years old, and in many ways, she is the most prolific, efficient and successful user of open innovation that I know, and I think that there is a lot that can be learned from how she does this.
Open Innovation to Help Predict Natural Disasters

Open Innovation to Help Predict Natural Disasters

Dec-20-11 By IdeaConnection
Meteorologists and weather forecasters all make valiant efforts to forecast the weather. Sometimes they are spot on and other times you might as well look at a piece of seaweed to find out what’s going on in the atmosphere. But perhaps the days of hit and miss weather forecasts will soon be a thing of the past, because the Planetary Skin Institute (PSI), a non-profit research and development organisation and Brazil’s Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MCTI) are using open innovation to predict climatic patterns. The aim is not so you and I can know whether to pack a brolly when we head out, but the far more serious and valuable objective of developing natural disaster early warning system capabilities for Brazil.

Report from CoDev 2011

Jan-29-11 By Aminda
IdeaConnection enjoyed a busy week in sunny, Scottsdale, Arizona at CoDev, the 10th annual conference on Co-development and Open Innovation. It appears to have been a great week from an attendee view, with speakers who were open and informative, sharing stories from the trenches. As open innovation evolves, changing job descriptions and expanding across business units and geographical borders, it’s increasingly valuable to get insight from these pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished.

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